Celebrating 40 Years

40 years offer-01Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), founded in 1973, is celebrating 40 years of business with a special “thank you” offer for our customers. BHN will be giving 14% discount off of customer’s normal final cost on all Sustainable Soil Fertility Products ordered for 4 months, with orders placed from September 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. As part of the deal, we ask that our customers share the field results of these products and each order must be a minimum of at least 40 gallons or more.

The Sustainable Soil Fertility Products were the first liquid products created by BHN when it first started the liquids. Forty years later, BHN is going back to their roots and celebrating soil as the foundation.  BHN’s Sustainable Soil Fertility Products are offered in the product lines for HUMA GRO® and HUMA GRO® TURF, and includes BIO ENERGIZER® in the Probiotic Solutions® line.

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN) has grown tremendously in the last 40 years, and expects to continue to grow in the next 40 years.

See the full memo offer here: MEMO: 40th Anniversary Offer

Tres Productos para la óptima salud del suelo

¿Por HUMA GRO ® Tecnología avanzada del suelo? Los suelos saludables son la base de la que sus cultivos puedan crecer a su máximo potencial. Productos de suelo de activación HUMA GRO ® mejoran las propiedades físicas del suelo, la disponibilidad de minerales y convertir la materia orgánica en humus rico en nutrientes – el elemento más importante en los suelos altamente productivos. A continuación se muestran tres HUMA GRO ® activadores del suelo para mejorar su suelo:

BLEND ™ mejora la estructura del suelo
• Activa bacterias y actinomicetos aeróbicos beneficiosos.
• flocula las partículas de arcilla o de agregados de arena para mejorar la estructura del suelo.
• Aumenta la penetración del agua.
• Mejora de amortiguación del pH extremos y secuestro de sales del suelo.
• Solubalizes nutrientes inorgánicos para la absorción eficiente de la planta.
• Estimula el desarrollo de la masa de raíces.

FERTIL HUMUS ® Gestiona residuos
• Activa beneficiosos hongos del suelo incluyendo hongos micorrícicos.
• Digest residuos de los cultivos y la materia orgánica.
• Controles y reduce el hábitat de las enfermedades del suelo nacido.
• Mejora la memoria intermedia y la descomposición de restos de pesticidas, metales pesados ​​y residuos químicos.
• Aumenta la retención de agua.
• Estimula el desarrollo de la masa de raíces.

ZAP ® Mejora la salud del suelo
• Activa un amplio espectro de hongos y microbios tanto bacterianas.
• Crea un ambiente positivo de suelo para un suelo saludable.
• Excelente para aplicar después de la fumigación para regenerar las poblaciones microbianas beneficiosas.
• excluye competitivo el desarrollo de organismos patógenos.
• Da a los nematodos parásitos de una fuente alternativa de alimento.
• Trabaja en conjunto con FERTIL HUMUS ® y BLEND ™ para una completa acondicionamiento del suelo.


Nutrition-based Plant Growth Managers

Maximum Yield without Synthetic Hormones
The HUMA GRO® plant growth managers are ideal for stimulating the plant to produce its own beneficial hormones naturally. This helps you deliver improved crop quality and yields, resulting in more uniform maturity and consistent size. The result is greater efficiency, productivity and profitability at harvest. Below are three featured plant growth managers for increased fruit production.

Increase Fruit Quantity with BREAKOUT® Growth Manager
BREAKOUT® helps increased fruit production through cellular expansion & horizontal division. If it’s applied at bud break, you’ll see a quicker bud break, more vigorous budding, increased flower initiation, and improved uniformity of bud break. If it’s applied at flowering, you’ll see more flowering, increased fruit set, better fruit holding, uniform fruit sizing, and expansion of the fruiting cycle. Use VITOL® as the alternate during the flowering stage.

Increase Fruit Size with VITOL® Growth Manager
VITOL® is vital for vigorous plant growth by promoting cellular enlongation & vertical division. VITOL® increases foliar growth at emergence and maintains late season growth and vigor. It also increases fruit size and improves uniformity of fruit size. In essence, it gives plants energy.

Get Your Fruit Ready for Harvest with JACKPOT® Finisher
JACKPOT® works to achieve uniform maturity through translocation of nutrients into the fruit. JACKPOT® results in uniform maturity, better fruit color, better yield quantity, and increased fruit size.